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- Ấn phẩmDigital Knowledge Resources.(SAGE Publications, 2008) M. Paul PandianTechnology has revolutionized the concept of libraries. Networking and computing technologies have now become sufficiently advanced to support the design and deployment of large digital libraries which are capable of supporting the conventional end-user functions. Digital libraries are a natural extension of the evolution in which libraries have been involved for centuries. They represent a fundamental leap forward in the provision of services for, and partnership with, information communities. Because of the ‘digital’ nature, information resources can be shared over the powerful network. With the innovative use of information technology and the integration of many tools and techniques developed thus far and in the foreseeable future, information provision can be more complete, faster, and broad-based. Digital Libraries can be accessed anywhere, any time, by anyone who needs them. Thus, the potential should be great. This article provides an overview of digital and other electronic information resources, their characteristics, growth and developments, and their impact on information access and use. It also deals with issues relevant to building digital library collections and systems.
- Ấn phẩm"Leveraging New Technologies for Professional Learning in Education: Digital Literacies as Culture Shift in Professional Development"(SAGE Publications, 2009-01) Janet Murphy, Robert LebansProviding just-in-time job-embedded professional learning using a technologically mediated model achieves professional growth goals and encourages teachers to build digital literacy competencies and incorporate new technologies in instructional approaches in the classroom. This article highlights the lessons learned from an award-winning professional learning program developed by the Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning program (ABEL), a Research and Innovation initiative at York University in Toronto, Canada. Ongoing research into this program reveals that teachers who are learning via technologies refine their understanding of digital literacy, and develop curriculum designs and instructional strategies that facilitate differentiated instruction through digitally mediated designs, increase student engagement in learning, and improve student achievement.
- Tài liệuAccess to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property(Zone Books, 2010) Krikorian, Gaëlle, Kapczynski, AmyA movement emerges to challenge the tightening of intellectual property law around the world.At the end of the twentieth century, intellectual property rights collided with everyday life. Expansive copyright laws and digital rights management technologies sought to shut down new forms of copying and remixing made possible by the Internet. International laws expanding patent rights threatened the lives of millions of people around the world living with HIV/AIDS by limiting their access to cheap generic medicines. For decades, governments have tightened the grip of intellectual property law at the bidding of information industries; but recently, groups have emerged around the world to challenge this wave of enclosure with a new counter-politics of “access to knowledge” or “A2K.” They include software programmers who took to the streets to defeat software patents in Europe, AIDS activists who forced multinational pharmaceutical companies to permit copies of their medicines to be sold in poor countries, subsistence farmers defending their rights to food security or access to agricultural biotechnology, and college students who created a new “free culture” movement to defend the digital commons. Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property maps this emerging field of activism as a series of historical moments, strategies, and concepts. It gathers some of the most important thinkers and advocates in the field to make the stakes and strategies at play in this new domain visible and the terms of intellectual property law intelligible in their political implications around the world. A Creative Commons edition of this work will be freely available online.
- Tài liệuControlling Knowledge: Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection in a Networked World(Athabasca University Press, 2011) Lorna StefanickDigital communications technology has immeasurably enhanced our capacity to store, retrieve, and exchange information. But who controls our access to information, and who decides what others have a right to know about us? In Controlling Knowledge, author Lorna Stefanick offers a thought-provoking and user-friendly overview of the regulatory regime that currently governs freedom of information and the protection of privacy. Aiming to clarify rather than mystify, Stefanick outlines the history and application of FOIP legislation, with special focus on how these laws affect the individual. To illustrate the impact of FOIP, she examines the notion of informed consent, looks at concerns about surveillance in the digital age, and explores the sometimes insidious influence of Facebook. Specialists in public policy and public administration, information technology, communications, law, criminal justice, sociology, and health care will find much here that bears directly on their work, while students and general readers will welcome the book's down-to-earth language and accessible style. Intended to serve as a "citizen's guide," Controlling Knowledge is a vital resource for anyone seeking to understand how freedom of information and privacy protection are legally defined and how this legislation is shaping our individual rights as citizens of the information age.
- Tài liệuDigital Literacies(Routledge, 2014) Gillen, JuliaWith our increasing use of digital and online media, the way we interact with these forms of communication is having an enormous impact on our literacy and learning. In Digital Literacies, Julia Gillen argues that to a substantial extent Linguistics has failed to rise to the opportunities presented by studying language in digital contexts. Assuming no existing knowledge, and drawing from a wide range of research projects, she presents a range of approaches to the study of writing and reading language online. Challenging some of the existing concepts, Digital Literacies traces key ideas through both the history of literacy studies and contemporary approaches to language online, including linguistic ethnography and corpus linguistics. Examples, taken from real life studies, include the use of digital technologies in everyday life, online teenage communities and professional use of Twitter in journalism. Within each chapter, the relevant research methods used are explored and then tied to the theory underpinning them. This book is an innovative and essential read for all those studying and researching applied linguistics, particularly in the areas of literacy and multimodality, at an upper undergraduate and postgraduate level. The title will also be of interest to those working with new media in the fields of Media and Communication Studies, Cultural Psychology, and Education.
- Tài liệuDiscourse and Digital Practices(Taylor & Francis, 2015) Jones, Rodney H, Chik, Alice, Hafner, Christoph ADiscourse and Digital Practices shows how tools from discourse analysis can be used to help us understand new communication practices associated with digital media, from video gaming and social networking to apps and photo sharing. This cutting-edge book: draws together fourteen eminent scholars in the field including James Paul Gee, David Barton, Ilana Snyder, Phil Benson, Victoria Carrington, Guy Merchant, Camilla Vasquez, Neil Selwyn and Rodney Jones answers the central question: "How does discourse analysis enable us to understand digital practices?" addresses a different type of digital media in each chapter demonstrates how digital practices and the associated new technologies challenge discourse analysts to adapt traditional analytic tools and formulate new theories and methodologies examines digital practices from a wide variety of approaches including textual analysis, conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, multimodal discourse analysis, object ethnography, geosemiotics, and critical discourse analysis. Discourse and Digital Practices will be of interest to advanced students studying courses on digital literacies or language and digital practices.
- Tài liệuThe Digital Humanist: A Critical Inquiry(punctum books, 2015) Fiormonte, Domenico, Numerico, Teresa, Tomasi, FrancescaThis book offers a critical introduction to the core technologies underlying the Internet from a humanistic perspective. It provides a cultural critique of computing technologies, by exploring the history of computing and examining issues related to writing, representing, archiving and searching. The book raises awareness of, and calls for, the digital humanities to address the challenges posed by the linguistic and cultural divides in computing, the clash between communication and control, and the biases inherent in networked technologies. A common problem with publications in the Digital Humanities is the dominance of the Anglo-American perspective. While seeking to take a broader view, the book attempts to show how cultural bias can become an obstacle to innovation both in the methodology and practice of the Digital Humanities. Its central point is that no technological instrument is culturally unbiased, and that all too often the geography that underlies technology coincides with the social and economic interests of its producers. The alternative proposed in the book is one of a world in which variation, contamination and decentralization are essential instruments for the production and transmission of digital knowledge. It is thus necessary not only to have spaces where DH scholars can interact (such as international conferences, THATCamps, forums and mailing lists), but also a genuine sharing of technological know-how and experience.
- Ấn phẩmKnowing digital and critical thinking. Around the conference "Noetic versus Computer: the new structures of scientific communication" (Rome, 19 to 20 November 2013)(Firenze University Press, 2015-01-15) Luigi CatalaniThe purpose of the paper is trying to summarize the international conference "Noetics versus Computer Science: the New Structures of the Scientific Communication", held in Rome 19 to 20 November 2013. In the light of the epistemic conflict, as set out in the title, I tried to highlight the main conceptual issues emerged during the four working sessions, that suggest a careful reconsideration of the role of bibliography, library services and the traditional paradigms of information organization, especially in light of the latest trends related to the development of the semantic web, discovery tools, social networks, open access and digital libraries. The emphasis is particularly on those contributions that have activated critical thinking about the current state and prospects of digital knowledge ecosystem, considering that it seems essential to adopt semantic ontologies, cognitive maps and indexical infrastructures that are able to explode the epistemological potential of the recorded knowledge.
- Tài liệuKnowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism: An Introduction to Cognitive Materialism(University of Westminster Press, 2017) Zukerfeld, Mariano; Mino; MikeKnowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism proposes a new critical theory concerning the functioning of capitalism and how we consider knowledge and information. This ambitious book systematically and lucidly introduces contemporary phenomena into the framework of cognitive materialism to address some of the great themes of the social sciences: knowledge, exploitation and social class in an account of capitalism as totality in the present day. Author Mariano Zukerfeld reinvigorates materialist study of communications, presenting a typology of knowledge to explain the underlying material forms of information, intellectual property and cognitive work in contemporary societies. Using current examples the book also examines concerns such as free labour and the pivotal role of intellectual property. The book offers nothing less than an introduction to the theory of cognitive materialism and an account of the entirety of the digital (or knowledge) capitalism of our time.
- Tài liệuHigher Education in 2040. A Global Approach(Amsterdam University Press, 2017) van der Zwaan, BertSince the Middle Ages, universities have displayed impressive resourcefulness in their ability to adapt to the changing dynamics and demands of their times. But in the last fifty years, the landscape of higher education - with the emergence of online and mass education, skyrocketing tuition, and a controversial system for ranking institutions - has begun evolving so rapidly and profoundly that the concept of the university now needs to be rethought.
This book explores the future of modern higher education by looking at it on a global scale. Bert van der Zwaan compares European developments with those taking place in North America and Asia to argue that the phoenix of an entirely new type of university will rise from the ashes of the classical system: less tied to buildings and set locations, the new university will embed itself more deeply in society by offering innovative forms of digital knowledge and making customized teaching available on demand. A timely discussion of a topic whose worldwide impact continues to grow, this is essential reading for anyone concerned about the state of higher education - both for today's students and in the decades to come. - Tài liệuNon-Knowledge and Digital Cultures(Meson press, 2018) Bernard, Andreas, Koch, Matthias, Leeker, MartinaMaking available massive amounts of data that are generated, distributed, and modeled, digital media provide us with the possibility of abundant information and knowledge. This possibility has been attracting various scenarios in which technology either eliminates non-knowledge or plants it deep within contemporary cultures through the universal power and opacity of algorithms. This volume comprises contributions from media studies, literary studies, sociology, ethnography, anthropology, and philosophy to discuss non-knowledge as an important concept for understanding contemporary digital cultures.
- Ấn phẩmE-learning, M-learning and D-learning: Conceptual definition and comparative analysis(SAGE Publications, 2018) Sujit Kumar Basak, Marguerite Wotto, Paul BélangerIn the 21st century, the information and communication technology explosion increases the uses of digital devices for many purposes in the world of work and in formal and non-formal education. This study analyzes existing literature on the basis of the definition of the concepts, terminology used, differences, fundamental perspectives, benefits, disadvantages, and finally the similarities and differences of the e-learning (electronic learning), m-learning (mobile learning), and d-learning (digital learning). It reveals that e-learning and m-learning are subsets of d-learning. On the other hand, some learning tools could be considered as m-learning as well as e-learning.
- Ấn phẩmDIGITAL HUMANITIES AND DIGITAL KNOWLEDGE (DHDK) International second cycle/Master degree(2018-05-22) Francesca TomasiThis contribution presents the international degree programme in DigitalHumanities and Digital Knowledge. DHDK offers a cross-disciplinary curriculumdesigned to foster close connections between humanities and the sciences of mod-elling, representation and processing of information and knowledge
- Ấn phẩmA smarter knowledge commons for smart learning(SpringerOpen, 2018-08-13) Penelope J. ListerThis paper takes the form of a discussion relating to a smarter knowledge commons, having come about due to implications arising from research into the development of a pragmatic pedagogical ‘guide to learning’ for smart learning environments. The paper does not discuss any research findings (which have not yet been established), but rather is about attempting to discover through examination of early adopter use cases the underlying challenge for smart learning design in relation to the delivery of personalised geo-spatially relevant knowledge. Solutions for the mapping and delivery of the knowledge web are tentatively suggested, making use of an existing meta-property framework, the Open Graph. Smart learning environments focus on learning in geo-spatially relevant learning locations, with tutors or learners engaged in tasks that may frequently require the searching and selecting of knowledge content to contribute to learning or in the further production of new digital knowledge content. This has led to considerations regarding where and how knowledge content is obtained, provided, produced or shared, and this paper examines issues related to the producing, searching and finding of knowledge content in these learning contexts. Practical examples are provided to illustrate how digital knowledge content plays a pivotal role in learning design and learner interactions taking place in smart learning, both for the content of learning and as part of the process for learning. Emphasis is on open access smart learning in relation to connected and collaborative pedagogical approaches. Considering the future development and pedagogies of open-access smart learning environments, we must ask how the knowledge commons, an integral part of this learning, can become ‘smarter’ for learning and teaching.
- Tài liệuKnowledge Manageation and Big Data: Implications for Sustainability, Policy Making and Competitiveness(MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2019) Lytras, Miltiadis Ordóñez de Pablos, PatriciaThe evolution of knowledge management theory and the special emphasis on human and social capital sets new challenges for knowledge-driven and technology-enabled innovation. Emerging technologies including big data and analytics have significant implications for sustainability, policy making, and competitiveness. This edited volume promotes scientific research into the potential contributions knowledge management can make to the new era of innovation and social inclusive economic growth. We are grateful to all the contributors of this edition for their intellectual work. The organization of the relevant debate is aligned around three pillars: SECTION A. DATA, KNOWLEDGE, HUMAN AND SOCIAL CAPITAL FOR INNOVATION: We elaborate on the new era of knowledge types and the emerging forms of social capital and their impact on technology-driven innovation. Topics include: Social Networks; Smart Education; Social Capital; Corporate Innovation; Disruptive Innovation; Knowledge integration; Enhanced Decision-Making. SECTION B. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT & BIG DATA ENABLED INNOVATION: In this section, knowledge management and big data applications and systems are presented. Selective topic include: Crowdsourcing Analysis; Natural Language Processing; Data Governance; Knowledge Extraction; Ontology Design Semantic Modeling SECTION C. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: In the section, the debate on the impact of knowledge management and big data research to sustainability is promoted with integrative discussion of complementary social and technological factors including: Big Social Networks on Sustainable Economic Development; Business Intelligence
- Tài liệuGiáo dục Mở & Tài nguyên Giáo dục Mở và vai trò của VFOSSA(2019) Lê, Trung NghĩaLà bài trình bày tại Ngày hội Tự do cho Phần mềm (Software Freedom Day) 2019 do Câu lạc bộ Phần mềm Tự do Nguồn Mở - VFOSSA (Vietnam Free & Open Source Software Association) tổ chức ngày 21/09/2019 tại Hà Nội với chủ đề: Xây dựng hệ sinh thái dịch vụ của các doanh nghiệp thành viên VFOSSA.
- Tài liệuNhóm Giáo dục Mở (OEC) công bố những người chiến thắng trong năm 2019 của Giải thưởng Giáo dục Mở vì sự Xuất sắc, Giải thưởng Cá nhân(2019) Lê, Trung NghĩaCONCORD, Mass. - Ngày 03/09/2019 - PRLog - Giải thưởng Giáo dục Mở vì sự Xuất sắc đưa ra sự thừa nhận thường niên cho những đóng góp nổi bật trong cộng đồng Giáo dục Mở, thừa nhận các nhà lãnh đạo gương mẫu, tài nguyên giáo dục mở, và các Dự án & Sáng kiến Mở. Chúc mừng những người nhận Giải thưởng Giáo dục Mở vì sự Xuất sắc.
- Tài liệuBáo cáo Connect OER 2018-2019(2019) Lê, Trung NghĩaConnect OER (Kết nối OER) là nền tảng của SPARC để chia sẻ và khám phá thông tin về các hoạt động Tài nguyên Giáo dục Mở - OER (Open Educational Resources) ở các khu trường khắp Bắc Mỹ. Thông qua Connect OER, các thư viện hàn lâm tạo lập và quản lý hồ sơ các nỗ lực về OER của các cơ sở, cung cấp dữ liệu có giá trị chúng tôi sử dụng để nhập liệu cho một thư mục có khả năng tìm kiếm được và tạo ra báo cáo thường niên.
- Tài liệuCác thành phần cơ bản trong kế hoạch tổng thể xây dựng chính sách tài nguyên giáo dục mở – OER (Open Educational Resources)(2019) Lê, Trung NghĩaNgày 25/11/2019, tại Paris, tại Hội nghị Toàn thể lần thứ 40 của UNESCO, đại diện của 193 quốc gia đã thông qua Khuyến cáo về OER của UNESCO, được chi tiết hóa theo 5 khía cạnh mục tiêu: Xây dựng năng lực của các bên tham gia đóng góp để tạo lập truy cập, sử dụng, tùy biến thích nghi và phân phối lại OER; Phát triển chính sách hỗ trợ; Khuyến khích OER chất lượng bao hàm toàn diện và công bằng; Nuôi dưỡng sáng tạo các mô hình bền vững cho OER; Tạo thuận lợi cho hợp tác quốc tế. Bài viết này đề cập tới một pha cơ bản trong phát triển chính sách OER - thiết kế các thành phần cơ bản của kế hoạch tổng thể OER - với hầu hết các khía cạnh được nêu ở trên cũng hiện diện trong pha cơ bản của việc xây dựng chính sách hỗ trợ đó.
- Tài liệuGiới thiệu và demo khai thác tài nguyên giáo dục mở ở trường Cao đẳng Sư phạm Thừa Thiên - Huế(2019) Lê, Trung NghĩaNgày 13/9/2019, trường Cao đẳng Sư phạm Thừa Thiên – Huế tổ chức tọa đàm ‘Tài nguyên Giáo dục Mở - OER’ với sự tham dự của các cán bộ giảng viên ngành CNTT và cán bộ Thư viện của nhà trường.
- Tài liệuKhóa tập huấn Thực hành khai thác tài nguyên giáo dục mở ở trường Đại học Công nghiệp Quảng Ninh(2019) Lê, Trung NghĩaTrong các ngày 21-22/12/2019, Hiệp hội các trường đại học, cao đẳng Việt Nam (AVU&C) đã phối hợp cùng với trường Đại học Công nghiệp Quảng Ninh, tổ chức khóa tập huấn ‘Thực hành khai thác tài nguyên giáo dục mở’ cho gần 20 học viên là các cán bộ giảng viên của trường.